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- Serhat Yabancı
Serhat Yabancı
Academician, Family and Marriage Counsellor
Istanbul Commerce University- Applied Psychology (2nd Master’s Degree)
Odtü -Family and Marriage Therapy Training (2009-2010, 2 SEMES)
Isz Univ- Family Counselling Training
Yored -Family Dynamics
Academy Of Cognitive Therapy Accepted Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist Training (Theoretical + Supervision)
Hacettepe University- Denver Development Test Training
Clinical Interviewing and Assessment Training
Consultancy Practices Training
Training on the Use of Cards in Psychotherapy
Transactional Analysis Training
Sociology Master’s Degree
Sociology Undergraduate
Forgetting or Forgiving; 32nd edition (Alfa publishing house)
Not As You Think: 26th Edition( Alfa publishing house)
All Love Starts Sweet: 17th Edition( Alfa publishing house)
Think well before getting divorced before getting married: 18th Edition( Alfa publishing house)
There is no us without me. 16th Edition (Alfa publishing house)
Guide to Happiness; (guest author)- İnkılap Yayınları
Adolescent Men Lonely Women (guest author)- Doğan Publishing
Apart from these, she has an applied master’s study on the psycho-social consequences of compulsory education, a second master’s study on “the relationship between divorce and exam anxiety” and a published study on marriage programmes.
trainings and seminars
Communication within the Family, Happy Spouse Happy Family, Problems and solutions between spouses, Divorce process management, Pre-Marriage Couple Training, Communication within the Institution, Saying No and Communication, Exam Period Parent Seminars, Exam Anxiety Seminars